HomeConventionVinnere av cosplay konkurransene på Torucon

Vinnere av cosplay konkurransene på Torucon

The Great Torucon Prop-Off
Dommere: The Friendly Viking og Valentine Costumes

Veteran Champion: The Fuzzy Teddy
Novice Champion: Han Silly
Honorable Mention: Chrix Design

Dommere: TillyTilde Cosplay, Nuzelia

Champion: Kristine Nordbustad 
Runner up: Nora Johansen Rosenkilde

Craftsmanship Classic: 
Dommere: Amazonian Cosplay, Ihadra Cosplay, Cece Tori Cosplay

Winner: Michikao
Runner Up: Maienia Cosplay

Cosplay Classic:
Dommere: Amazonian Cosplay, Ihadra Cosplay, Cece Tori Cosplay

Winner: Hedda Kristine Wium Karlsen 
Runner up: Sophie Alseen

Craftsmanship Master:
Dommere: Enayla Cosplay, Vaimu, Bettcanard Design

Winner: Rhavaniell Cosplay
Runner Up: Simen Myrvoll

Cosplay Master:
Dommere: Enayla Cosplay, Vaimu, Bettcanard Design

Winner: Karin Olava
Runner up: Tiller Cosplay

Couple Cosplay Konkurranse:
Dommere: Tiller Cosplay, Eheleria

Winner: Chrix Design og Bettcanard Design
Runner up: Silliziuni og Ina Golf

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